Monday, August 5, 2013



Dusk till Dawn Games has moved to Word Press!!

If you happen to find yourself here please follow this link:

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So what are all these Convergence of Cyriss parts? (Assembly guide)

What a start to a new week.  The weather is beautiful outside, Gencon is on the horizon, and new releases from Privateer Press are getting ready to hit the shelves.  

I was reading the Forums a few weeks ago on the new faction Convergence of Cyriss for Warmachine and came across a few posts referring to some confusion on assembling a few models from the battle box were.  So after getting my own battle box, I figured there was a potential to help out fellow gamers who may lack miniature modeling skills or who are just new to the hobby and need some guidance.

I created a video walking you through how I assembled the Cipher Heavy Warjack.
      **** NOTE: IN the video I said Invictor, Apologize, not sure where that came from LOL

Hope you enjoy,


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Episode 6 Return of the Fly Guy

In my spare time, when I'm not doing the things that I really enjoy doing, I mold young minds. No, I don't use clay. I'm talking actual minds. As crazy as it seems, I am a teacher and one of the stories that my students read is a series about a fly name Fly Guy. 

All the ladies love me

Sunday, July 28, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 10

Week 10 - Balance

What is the biggest complaint that you hear about most tabletop games?

You hear the words: "OP", "broken", "unbalanced" and more.

Games Workshop is one of the biggest culprits of being unbalanced; mainly do to it's release schedule for army updates.

I dare say that the Horus Heresy line offers something big to Warhammer 40k fans: balance.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Off Duty Gamer: Skull Island X, the stories so far

Yesterday marked the release of the 7th story coming out of Privateer Press’ Skull Island eXpeditions digital
imprint. As a huge fan of the Iron Kingdoms fiction I’ve been buying every story as soon as I can but I know others who aren’t sure which ones are worth picking up, so today I’m going to go over each novella and novel in some detail so as to help our readers decide where to dive in. I’ve decided to do this in reverse order of release, since the older the novella is the more likely you’ve already read it anyway.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Twyg's Thursday Thoughts - Digital gaming and your hobby

Thanks wikipedia for this icon of video gamin'
As consummate gamers and hobbyists there's a lot of distractions out there for us to indulge in. I've noticed within the table top gaming community it seems as though the hobby can be all consuming for some, with painting, playing, and theory crafting (list building) taking a large chunk of the remaining time. As someone with limited time and only one foot in the hobby I find myself playing a lot of single player games that may or may not bump into the multiplayer realm. But is that a detractor to hobby for me (or anyone else) I don't believe so, in fact quite the opposite.

Lemme share with you what I'm playing and why I feel it helps my tabletop and war gaming skills. 

On PC I'm playing a lot of War Thunder, an exceptional WW II flight sim game where everything from your starting bi-planes to the end war jet fighters make an appearance. There's an excellent leveling up experience model, well done micro transactions and a lot of good old fashioned dog fights. So why would this help my table top game? In my opinion: it gets me thinking outside the box. Here I am in a three dimensional fight with many different planes (models) with different strengths and weaknesses. Sound familiar? 

All too often I'd leave the crons' doomsday ark in the corner sniping away with a 72" range gun, but now, what if I've got it lined up with terrain where someone will assume its line of sight isn't a threat? Suddenly a trap appears. What about that p39? It can't climb well, but woe to the person on the other end of its dive... Then there's the BF109, the exact opposite with exceptional climbing characteristics. Now, what happens of you turn around and do something unexpected? Use the P 39 to climb and just lurk high up... Never dropping. Will I get many kills? No, but have I made the opponents wonder what the hell, just to swoop down in the last few minutes and clean up. So now apply that to the doomsday ark. Let my opponent wonder why it's collecting dust, just to have them blunder into a kill zone... Nice! Think outside the box, make the opponent guess and more importantly worry...

Talisman prologue on the PC as well. We're all fairly familiar with talisman, and if you're not, you should get acquainted... If. You know it, then check and yourself what it'd be like to have objectives with just one player and class. By going through what's normally a full board game but focusing on one objective you learn a lot about how to figure out one of your favorite characters. For example, the Warrior can roll two six sided die in combat and take the highest one. But what happens when you land on a spot with three bad guys all rolling a d6 themselves? How do you manage him? Fully random, or are there things you can do?

Pulling it into tabletop you find your mind ready to be flexible and able to cope with specific situations, it's muscle memory now. You'll have a given character on the field who has a specific "trick", is now the time to use it, or later? Flexing those muscles will certainly help keep you thinking of the options available to you outside of just the random rolls.

Then there's a ton of iOS games, Magic The Gathering, Plague Inc, Star Command, Warhammer Quest, even Puzzle Quest...

So what games do you have that are flexing your brain muscles on your computer or device? How do they stretch your thought process with them? Hopefully it'll give you some new insight on your games and your tabletop... Good luck!

Twyg out

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Episode 5 The Paintbrush Strikes Back

A long time ago, in an LGS far, far away a gamer was rolling dice and moving tiny metal elves around a table. It was a joyous time. The the dark forces that been changed the rules for the elves and the gamer some eff this crap, put the models in their foam, and placed them on a shelf in the basement. As tragic and rage filled as this ending was, it proved to be the beginning of something else. Later, as I walked around the store wondering what to do I saw . . .

Sick 'em boys

Monday, July 22, 2013

Skaven WIP update: Plague Monks!!

Working on the skittering horde, I promise paint will be flowing next week on these guys. The last unit of plague monks are being assembled!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 9

Week 9 - Melting Point

Well, there has been a lot of building and priming going on at the Swonkob Bo stronghold but waiting for product from the UK; is like watching paint dry. For an impatient buyer like myself, it makes getting things from Forge World a lackluster experience. Three and a half weeks of waiting and the Royal Mail finally showed up at my house. Ok, it was lackluster for 3.5 weeks but I was pretty excited when I saw the box in the driveway!

Initial thought when I saw the box: "AWESOME!"

Second thought: "CRAP!"

Are those my models?

You see, it broke 100 degrees on my car's thermometer that day; all I could imagine was the box in the middle of the oven of asphalt and a puddle of resin at the bottom of the box!
After a DEEP breath, I examined the contents of the box and, not only was everything below the melting point, it was all accounted for!

After looking over each item; the "wow" moment for me was the shear size of the Cerberus Tank Destroyer bag! It is HUGE!
Here it is next to an Ironclad box!

The instructions were elaborate and covered the ins and outs of the 35+ pieces of resin. I'm looking forward to putting it all together! But I promised myself that I won't build it until my painting table is clean; so clean it will be!

After drooling over the Cerberus Tank Destroyer, my attention quickly jumped to the Alpha Legion dread body. Oh yeah!
This is how it looked when I opened the box (less the arms):

I proceeded to remove the chaos iconography with a razor....well, except for those amazing hydras on the chest!
Within an hour of its arrival from the land of tea and crumpets, the dread looked like this:

It'll be easier to see once there's paint but the points on the edging came off clean and the chaos arrows are all gone!

Next week: Recon Marines and....wait for Praetor!

Time to clean house!
Swonkob Bo - OUT!

[Images acquired from and; images were used for reference purpose only, not for monetary gain]

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Twyg's Thursday Thoughts - Campin'? No board games for you? Baloney...

Da woods, so pretty!
'Tis the season for summer activities, BBQs, the beach, sitting on your couch in the AC. For some of us though camping and outdoors are where it's at. Mind you this isn't the ounce by ounce counting of hitting the AT for a 150 mile stretch, rather the drive my car up to the cabin and unload (in my miata none the less.) When you're doing that kind of camping gaming can most certainly continue.

One of our fellow bloggers and I were out and about in New Lebanon, NY for the past week nestled in the super humid lush cleavage of the Berkshire foothills. There were three square meals, exceptional overnight fires and good community. Of course after eating there's a lull where everyone's got "happy baby tummy" and just wants to chill, and that's where the gaming came in.

I decided on a few game types and feels which were small, easy to carry and were quick to teach and play. The two that I brought were the ever amusing Zombie Dice, and Guilds of Cadwallon (sold by our buddies at Cool Mini or Not.) Both were quick games with no more than ten minutes per round, and had their different feels. They were also easy enough to carry in a day pack and be played on a picnic table or ground if need be.

My companion brought in my copy of Zombicide which while a lot of fun didn't fare as well on the camping scene, even on a picnic table. We'll figure out a better way to carry it (battlefoam?) and from there I'm sure it'll work a bit better... Though for camping it may be best to save the world from zombies another day. ;)

If you're not familiar with Zombie Dice it's a simple, quick game based on a push your luck model of gameplay. Keep trying to collect 13 brains before your fellow zombies do. First to 13 wins, just watch out for the humans carrying shotguns, collect three of those and you're down for the round.

On a longer, more strategic note you've got Guilds of Cadwallon. It's a relatively new offering to the board game community with a lot of strategic potential. In Guilds you're attempting to collect district cards before your fellow "competition" gets them for themselves. As with any game that's turn based the attempts to block and otherwise terrorize your "friends" becomes all too tempting and effective. A lot of good natured ribbing.

For those who are counting ounces for the AT hike stick with Zombie Dice. If you're doing an overnight you can afford to carry the 1/2 pound Guilds for a more immersive and diabolical game, especially with four players.

So next time you're camping be sure to pack these simple games, they'll work easily in the woods and will keep those ten to twenty minutes a bit different than the normal camping. Then again, you are in the woods and should be meditating... And yet then again the RV next to you just turned on their 60" flatscreen... meh, it's your call. ;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Episode 4 A New Hopelessness

Who wants to come here for vacation?

I thought I was living in New England, but it feels more like North Carolina. Seriously, this morning was 72 degrees F at 7am with a dew point at 70 degrees. I felt like I was back in Jacksonville, NC. It's been like this for days and it doesn't look like it's going to let up. I used the weather as a lame excuse for not painting last week and I'm going to use it again this week. However, I have set up a makeshift spraying box in my kitchen. I am going to prime the succubus it there, but with the humidity being what it is I'm not going to open any windows. I don't want to fumigate my house or get my daughter high with the fumes. I will have her primed today and maybe get some paint on her tonight when my daughter goes to sleep. 

So to fill the gap I'll walk you through my Nephilim Protector conversion. This one was much easier to do the the Soldier.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 8

Week 8 - WIP Up A Conversion or Two!

This week we'll be focusing in on some conversion work! I wish I had the conversion skills of our DuskTillDawn compadre, Darth Murphy but I'll have to make do! We'll cover the final inventory update (that's right, i said FINAL!) and you'll, also, see my first attempt at the pre-heresy color scheme!

The main conversion work is around the Alpha Legion iconography, as seen here:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Off Duty Gamer: I’m excited about Privateer Press Interactive and you should be too

WhiteMoon Dreams
This week, after years of hearing almost nothing out of the licensed Warmachine action-adventure videogame, Privateer Press launched Privateer Press Interactive, a cooperative group with WhiteMoon Dreams to create videogames for the Iron Kingdoms setting. They also launched the Kickstarter campaign for their first game, Warmachine: Tactics, which as of this writing has reached nearly $500k in 24 hours. Now, there are a few really cool things to come out this partnership besides this first game, and many of
them may not be completely obvious at first glance but could have some potentially huge impact in the next few years.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Twyg's Thursday Thought - Airbrushin' Ain't Easy

Airbrushin! had this airbrush image. No, I don't paint my thumbnail pink.

Back for another Thursday, this time talking about Airbrushing. It makes painting minis an absolute pleasure, however there's a lot to consider. There's tons of tutorials out there, so I won't go into much of the how-to, more so what I go through when I airbrush.

First and foremost know that there's a cost of entry for airbrushing.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Episode 3 Revenge of the Nyss

New England . . . if you don't know is a collection of states in the northeast corner of the United States. If you don't know there are six of them. It is cold in the winter, warm in the spring and fall, and can be downright disgusting in the summer. Currently we are in what we consider a heatwave. The temperature has been 85+ for more than a week, which wouldn't be all that bad if the humidity didn't make the air feel like a wet sponge. These are not ideal conditions for spray priming or seal models. So painting has had to take a backseat to other endeavors. 

What does all this mean for today's episode? We get to take a look at the Nephilim that I have been converting. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bo Knows: Converting for Horus Heresy

How to convert for Horus Heresy

This is an impromptu post on converting 40k models into pre-heresy armies. I cover some of this in my weekly blog called 4 Corners of 30k but Lycane suggested that I do a 1 stop shop all about making a pre-heresy army from stuff you can get at your favorite local game store!

So there are 2 reasons that you would build this army: 1. Because pre-heresy stuff looks REALLY cool or 2. Because you want to play the rules from the Forge World Horus Heresy rulebook along with answer number 1!
Either answer works and even if you aren't playing the Horus Heresy rules, it's an incredible reference guide.

Let's get started, shall we....

Let's take a look at some Forge World stuff and compare it to stock GW stuff.

Here is a Forge World MKIV Space Marine in Maximus armor:

Here is a Forge World MKV Space Marine in Heresy era armor:

And here are some items found on a standard tactical Space Marine sprue from Games Workshop that you can pick up locally:
Now you'll notice the chests are virtually the same. The MKIV plain shoulder pads are the same as the contemporary pads and the MKV studded shoulder pad is the same as the studded contemporary. The suit pictured above is a full MKVI Corvus pattern suit. The "beakie" helmet is a key factor to that pattern of armor.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mean Jean Mondays: Dark Elves!

I picked up Dark Elves for our Fantasy Endeavor. I chose them for their fantastic looking models and great fluff.

Below are my chariot, dread lord, and Hydra at the moment.

Side View

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 7

Week 7 - Assemble Your Army!

Well, I am in official "Work In Progress" mode! My hope was to get some detail in to a model for this week but I have been distracted by building and priming! It's looking like details won't come for a few more weeks yet.

Here is what I hope to detail up first:
Legion Praetors are hawght!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Episode 2 Attack of the Clippers

A long time ago (a really long time ago), I bought my first album. Yes, I said album. It was large, black vinyl disc by the band Kiss. Who is Kiss? Who is Kiss? Oh, let me educate you.

Who stole my pajamas?
This was also in the time before iTunes and the world of music was ruled by the all powerful Columbia House Music Club. look it up. Why do I bring up such an archaic band. The base player for the band (the pretty one on the far right) was a man named Gene Simmons. He had a habit of sticking out his tongue and dressing in leather with bat like wings under his arms. He is a very ugly man, rich, but butt ugly.

Which brings me to this weeks topic . . . the Legion of Everblight Succubus.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Skaven WIP 2

Still assembling the skittering horde.

I have the magnets in the screaming bell/plague furnace. 

I have 2 filler units assembled. 

A regiment base done. 

A custom plague monk, banner standard, and 2 assassins or gutter runners. 

Progress is going well. My next group will be the storm vermin and plague monks. 

That's the group shot, like the 3 headed rat?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 6

Week 6 - Friends That Go The Distance

When you have a friend traveling the world and they send you a picture like the one below; you can't help but be psyched!

That picture was taken from the headquarters of Games Workshop and Forge World! And that friend was DtDGs very own Ironleaf!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Off Duty Gamer: Dawngate In-Depth First Look

Waystone Games
In the three and a half years since the release of League of Legends (LoL) we've seen the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, a term LoL's developers coined) market explode. Early on the only competition consisted of Heroes of Newerth, a game made by fellow former DoTA team members and had many similar features. The early year of the games' coexistence created a pretty heated rivalry between the two fanbases, nearly equal to that between Xbox and Playstation owners. Since then we've had entries from Valve, Petroglyph, Hi-Rez, Uber, Ironclad, and even a 2D version from Ronimo, but none have managed to capture the audience that LoL enjoys. This month, a new challenger stepped into the ring with Dawngate by Waystone Games, which hopes to inject some fresh gameplay into the genre with a radical new map and some interesting twists to item building. The game is currently in closed beta, but lucky me I got a key.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Twyg's Thursday Thought - Micro-tourneys
A lilliputian king, a lilliputian tournament!
What's a Micro-tourney? Simple, sometimes you don't have a lot of time, the right venue or a mix of both. You still want to have a good time with your friends, and in this case co-workers, and you want to game. Enter the Micro-tourney.

A Micro-tourney is a fast, organized game tournament that can be played out in an hour or less with a clear winner, and done right a lot of concentrated fun.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Episode 1 The Phantom Menance

Snoopy meets Darth Vader, best logo I could come up with on short notice. A better one is in the works.

Swonkob: We're going to be doing a blog.

Dark Lord of Puppies: Yeah.

Swonkob: It will cover lots of games and aspects. You want to contribute.

DLoP: Sure.

The immortal words of someone with lots of good intentions and very little time. This will hopefully be a weekly series of articles covering my hobby progress. There is an overabundance of unpainted, unassembled, and nigh neglected models scattered in various locations around my house. I have plenty of Retribution of Scyrah and Legion of Everblight models from Privateer Press's Warmachine and Hordes games to keep my busy for a while. 

What will we be working on . . . find out after the jump.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

4 Corners - Week 5 - Rules Overview

Week 5 - Betrayal Rules Overview

The army composition is very close to the current 40k rule book but with many cool and wonderful twists! I'll, actually, cover all of that here in this week's article!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Off Duty Gamer: Introduction and the First Review

Pyr Books
Welcome to the first installment of Off Duty Gamer, my weekly segment on the culture surrounding the hobbies the rest of the DtD crew talks about. In this segment I'll take a look at all sorts of things that I feel fall within the "nerd/geek" realm, like book and game reviews, science, and cultural topics. For this first week I'm going to talk about the first novel to come out of Privateer Press' partnership with Pyr books, The Fall of Llael Book 1: In Thunder Forged.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 4

Week 4: Acquisition

No, I do not have to put a work order through the Adeptus Administratum but in certain ways it feels like I will be. There are a lot of Forge World models that will make my 31st Millennium Alpha Legion list that much cooler. For those that don't know, Forge World is based in the UK and focuses on AMAZING add-ons to the Games Workshop lines of models.

4 Corners of 30k - Week 3

The Horus Heresy: Betrayal

The book was a whole lot of awesome! It's focus was around the Istvaan III massacre time frame.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Skaven WIP

Still assembling the skittering horde!!!

Check it out:

Hell Pit Abimination is all set, Sreaming Bell ready for magnets!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Reentry: Games Workshop

Our journey away was long and arduous but we are now reentering the Games Workshop Universes of 40k and Fantasy.

What is the answer to this question: "What was the tabletop game that hooked you in to wargaming?" My guess is that 70% of the time you'll hear these words: "Warhammer 40k." I know that is my answer and the answer from pretty much all the DuskTillDawn crew! Well, except GentleSamuri but it's not too late for him!

DtDG are all avid gamers and still have much love for games like Warmachine, Hordes, Dark Age and many more! So then, why the sudden spark you ask? Because what was old is now new again and the cycle continues! Not only that but 40k and Fantasy are both constants in the world of gaming. Gamers can all relate to 40k and Fantasy, even if they don't currently play or have never played them. Which makes knowing these games important to being....well, relevant.

In the last 4 weeks I have been reporting about my 40k escapades in my DtDG posts titled "The 4 Corners of 30k". It's been a great time getting back in to the mix of things! I'm having a blast with it!

Meanwhile, Mean Jean has taken up the reigns on reporting our introduction in to Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Mean Jean got his start in gaming through 40k (surprise, surprise) and is a strong Hordes player. He will report in on Mondays about our ventures in WHFBs from each week prior. Army builds, list prep and battle reports will just be a few things on the menu!

Stay tuned!
Swonkob Bo - OUT!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Kaosball on Kickstarter!!

Well Kickstarter has another cool game going up and it is Kaos Ball!!!

I have been waiting and watching the Facebook page for some time - and it's finally here. The Kickstarter is a bit shorter than normal (20 days) and with only 2 pledge rewards seems bit bold and straight forward. I have a feeling they will have some interesting additional add-ons for the stretch goals.

Kaosball is a sports based game similar to Blood Bowl and Dread Ball but with a different mechanic utilizing Cards to initiate plays. It Looks very Rugby-ish and the teams definitely have flavor and their art work is very Anime-like which could draw people towards or away from it.

The Basic pledge gets you the game which consists of 4 teams, 4 ringers (MVP players), board, dice, cards and extras!! These include the Goblin Team and an exclusive Ringer!

I can see that they lack some variety between the figs. Hopefully the Kickstarter will help add more spice to the miniatures and bring out some really cool add-ons for the game!

Head on over and check out the Kaos Ball Kickstarter!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Games & Gears Hobby Night Part1

Kicking off the Games & Gears painting event which is a GLOBAL event to help all tabletop gamers to get some paint on those primed minis!!

4 Corners of 30k - Week 2

The more I look at this project, the more awesome it gets!

Since this isn't a 10 to 30 model project, I'm definitely taking my time to do my homework! Not to mention we're talking about a lot of Forge World models and bitz; so not only do I have to plan my list strategically for the game, I have to plan the monetary expense of it.
This week will be made up of reading this awesome book: The Horus Heresy: Betrayal

Sunday, May 26, 2013

4 Corners of 30k

I was asked to be part of the "4 Corners of 30k" project.

What is this project, you ask? Well, there are a handful of us representing the 4 corners of the US. I am proud to represent the North East! Which is wicked awesome! :P 

I'll get you all an intro to the other 3 corners next Sunday, along with progress!
We will be building/painting pre-heresy 40k armies and blogging about it! The Games Workshop game called 40k takes place in the year forty thousand. Pre-heresy falls in the year thirty thousand, which is the reference to 30K.
My army choice is pre-heresy Imperial Fists Space Marines (Adeptus Astates)
with a complement of Adeptus Custodes, or known as Legio Custodes before Horus jumped the proverbial ship!
When I was asked to participate, my mind went right to the Custodes! I've always wanted to put them on a table!
I went with the Imperial Fists because it gave me a viable reason to have Custodes in my list! Imperial Fists and Custodes were both on Earth (Terra) during the fortification of Terra.

Here are the Legio Custodes:

Halberds with bolters please! Yup, they've got 'em!