Sunday, July 21, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 9

Week 9 - Melting Point

Well, there has been a lot of building and priming going on at the Swonkob Bo stronghold but waiting for product from the UK; is like watching paint dry. For an impatient buyer like myself, it makes getting things from Forge World a lackluster experience. Three and a half weeks of waiting and the Royal Mail finally showed up at my house. Ok, it was lackluster for 3.5 weeks but I was pretty excited when I saw the box in the driveway!

Initial thought when I saw the box: "AWESOME!"

Second thought: "CRAP!"

Are those my models?

You see, it broke 100 degrees on my car's thermometer that day; all I could imagine was the box in the middle of the oven of asphalt and a puddle of resin at the bottom of the box!
After a DEEP breath, I examined the contents of the box and, not only was everything below the melting point, it was all accounted for!

After looking over each item; the "wow" moment for me was the shear size of the Cerberus Tank Destroyer bag! It is HUGE!
Here it is next to an Ironclad box!

The instructions were elaborate and covered the ins and outs of the 35+ pieces of resin. I'm looking forward to putting it all together! But I promised myself that I won't build it until my painting table is clean; so clean it will be!

After drooling over the Cerberus Tank Destroyer, my attention quickly jumped to the Alpha Legion dread body. Oh yeah!
This is how it looked when I opened the box (less the arms):

I proceeded to remove the chaos iconography with a razor....well, except for those amazing hydras on the chest!
Within an hour of its arrival from the land of tea and crumpets, the dread looked like this:

It'll be easier to see once there's paint but the points on the edging came off clean and the chaos arrows are all gone!

Next week: Recon Marines and....wait for Praetor!

Time to clean house!
Swonkob Bo - OUT!

[Images acquired from and; images were used for reference purpose only, not for monetary gain]

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