Sunday, July 28, 2013

4 Corners of 30k - Week 10

Week 10 - Balance

What is the biggest complaint that you hear about most tabletop games?

You hear the words: "OP", "broken", "unbalanced" and more.

Games Workshop is one of the biggest culprits of being unbalanced; mainly do to it's release schedule for army updates.

I dare say that the Horus Heresy line offers something big to Warhammer 40k fans: balance.

The only drawback to this balance is that you have to like playing as a Space Marine or Mechanicum.

How is it so balanced, you ask?
The answer is: there is 1 book to rule them all!

The nice thing about the Horus Heresy rule set is that whether you're playing Sons of Horus or Space Wolves, we're all using the same "codex", if you will. There are some Legion specific units that add flavor to each army but those units are quite balanced. 

You may say, "but Bo, there are Primarchs?!"
Very true, but their point costs are astronomical. Give me the equivalent army points in armor and troops and I'll be fine! Granted, I have not played with the Primarch rules yet, but its easy enough to say to opponents in a friendly game, "no Primarchs." Or one could easily use the rule set of a Primarch as the Primarch for their own faction. i.e., use the Horus Luprical rules for Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves. Well, until his official rules hit the streets!

That is Fulgrim the Illuminator, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children. He costs 380 points in the game. Almost as much as 2 Proteus Land Raiders.

There are only 4 Primarchs available right now. Eventually, all 18 (actually 19, if they produce Omegon) should be available. We hope anyway! The rumored releases are only whispers right now but supposedly book 2 will bring: Iron Hands, Night Lords, Word Bearers and Salamanders, as well as units and characters for the previously released legions! Book 3 is rumored to bring Raven Guard, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists and ... ALPHA LEGION!

So all in all, it's refreshing to own a very balanced game. No more rock, paper scissors! This rule set has great potential on the tournament scene too because of this. I'm very excited to see where this all goes!

To Arms!
Swonkob Bo - OUT!

[Images acquired from and; images were used for reference purpose only, not for monetary gain]

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