Our journey away was long and arduous but we are now reentering the Games Workshop Universes of 40k and Fantasy.
What is the answer to this question: "What was the tabletop game that hooked you in to wargaming?" My guess is that 70% of the time you'll hear these words: "Warhammer 40k." I know that is my answer and the answer from pretty much all the DuskTillDawn crew! Well, except GentleSamuri but it's not too late for him!
DtDG are all avid gamers and still have much love for games like Warmachine, Hordes, Dark Age and many more! So then, why the sudden spark you ask? Because what was old is now new again and the cycle continues! Not only that but 40k and Fantasy are both constants in the world of gaming. Gamers can all relate to 40k and Fantasy, even if they don't currently play or have never played them. Which makes knowing these games important to being....well, relevant.
In the last 4 weeks I have been reporting about my 40k escapades in my DtDG posts titled "The 4 Corners of 30k". It's been a great time getting back in to the mix of things! I'm having a blast with it!
Meanwhile, Mean Jean has taken up the reigns on reporting our introduction in to Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Mean Jean got his start in gaming through 40k (surprise, surprise) and is a strong Hordes player. He will report in on Mondays about our ventures in WHFBs from each week prior. Army builds, list prep and battle reports will just be a few things on the menu!
Stay tuned!
Swonkob Bo - OUT!