The more I look at this project, the more awesome it gets!
Since this isn't a 10 to 30 model project, I'm definitely taking my time to do my homework! Not to mention we're talking about a lot of Forge World models and bitz; so not only do I have to plan my list strategically for the game, I have to plan the monetary expense of it.
This week will be made up of reading this awesome book: The Horus Heresy: Betrayal

Who else is on the 4 Corners of 30k Project, you ask?
We've got me, Swonkob Bo covering the North East; Sean in Ohio;
Chiller and Kyle are in AZ; and Oz, AKA AngelicOne, AKA Derek Osborne, who is currently covering the Pacific North West but will soon be covering the South East!
As I mentioned last week, my initial response to this project was that I wanted to do Legio Custodes. Which brings me to my progress; acquisition and list development! When I thought Custodes, I thought Terra so I naturally went to the Imperial Fists Space Marines. After much thought, I am still going with my gut and will bring a compliment of Custodes but I am reconsidering the Legion I'm bringing. (Space Marines were broken up in to Legions before they were referred to as Chapters)
So as far as actual progress? I've ordered Scibor Miniatures SF Roman Legionaries.
Figuring out what Legion to bring is a tough ask; they're all so cool! At that time there were 18 loyal Legions to the Emperor and you can really justify why a band of Legio Custodes would take part in a mission with any of the loyal Legions. Do I want to go with the mysterious Alpha Legion? The knightly orders of the Dark Angels? Or the pre-heretical Luna Wolves? By next Sunday I'll be able to tell you but I will digress for today.
For the Emperor!
Swonkob Bo - OUT
[Images acquired from and; images were used for reference purpose only, not for monetary gain]
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