Da woods, so pretty! |
'Tis the season for summer activities, BBQs, the beach, sitting on your couch in the AC. For some of us though camping and outdoors are where it's at. Mind you this isn't the ounce by ounce counting of hitting the AT for a 150 mile stretch, rather the drive my car up to the cabin and unload (in my miata none the less.) When you're doing that kind of camping gaming can most certainly continue.
One of our fellow bloggers and I were out and about in New Lebanon, NY for the past week nestled in the super humid lush cleavage of the Berkshire foothills. There were three square meals, exceptional overnight fires and good community. Of course after eating there's a lull where everyone's got "happy baby tummy" and just wants to chill, and that's where the gaming came in.
I decided on a few game types and feels which were small, easy to carry and were quick to teach and play. The two that I brought were the ever amusing Zombie Dice, and Guilds of Cadwallon (sold by our buddies at Cool Mini or Not.) Both were quick games with no more than ten minutes per round, and had their different feels. They were also easy enough to carry in a day pack and be played on a picnic table or ground if need be.
My companion brought in my copy of Zombicide which while a lot of fun didn't fare as well on the camping scene, even on a picnic table. We'll figure out a better way to carry it (battlefoam?) and from there I'm sure it'll work a bit better... Though for camping it may be best to save the world from zombies another day. ;)
If you're not familiar with Zombie Dice it's a simple, quick game based on a push your luck model of gameplay. Keep trying to collect 13 brains before your fellow zombies do. First to 13 wins, just watch out for the humans carrying shotguns, collect three of those and you're down for the round.
On a longer, more strategic note you've got Guilds of Cadwallon. It's a relatively new offering to the board game community with a lot of strategic potential. In Guilds you're attempting to collect district cards before your fellow "competition" gets them for themselves. As with any game that's turn based the attempts to block and otherwise terrorize your "friends" becomes all too tempting and effective. A lot of good natured ribbing.
For those who are counting ounces for the AT hike stick with Zombie Dice. If you're doing an overnight you can afford to carry the 1/2 pound Guilds for a more immersive and diabolical game, especially with four players.
So next time you're camping be sure to pack these simple games, they'll work easily in the woods and will keep those ten to twenty minutes a bit different than the normal camping. Then again, you are in the woods and should be meditating... And yet then again the RV next to you just turned on their 60" flatscreen... meh, it's your call. ;)