I was asked to be part of the "4 Corners of 30k" project.
What is this project, you ask? Well, there are a handful of us representing the 4 corners of the US. I am proud to represent the North East! Which is wicked awesome! :P
I'll get you all an intro to the other 3 corners next Sunday, along with progress!
We will be building/painting pre-heresy 40k armies and blogging about it! The Games Workshop game called 40k takes place in the year forty thousand. Pre-heresy falls in the year thirty thousand, which is the reference to 30K.
My army choice is pre-heresy Imperial Fists Space Marines (Adeptus Astates)
with a complement of Adeptus Custodes, or known as Legio Custodes before Horus jumped the proverbial ship!
When I was asked to participate, my mind went right to the Custodes! I've always wanted to put them on a table!
I went with the Imperial Fists because it gave me a viable reason to have Custodes in my list! Imperial Fists and Custodes were both on Earth (Terra) during the fortification of Terra.
Here are the Legio Custodes:
Halberds with bolters please! Yup, they've got 'em!